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You may view, use, download and store the material on this website for personal and research use only. Commercial use is not permitted. The re-distribution, re-publication, or otherwise making available of the material on this website to third parties without our prior written consent is prohibited.
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The information in this website is given in good faith and is believed to be accurate. It is subject to change without notice. Nothing on this website is intended to be, nor should be considered to be an offer to enter into a contractual relationship.
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This website may contain links to other websites. We accept no responsibility or liability for the content of other websites which are not under our strict control or for the content of any third party advertisements on the website. Any link is not intended to be, nor should be construed as, an endorsement of any kind by us of that other website. You may not create a link to this website from another website or document without our prior written consent.
Privacy Policy
Use of this web site may require you to submit details such as your name, address, email address and telephone number. We need this information to enable us to get in touch with you if this is what you have requested, or to provide results about retailers in your area. We may use information you provide to advise you of special offers and inform you about new or improved products and services from the Sirius Buying Group.
We will NOT disclose your information to any third party, at any time.
You should be aware that it is impossible to guarantee the security of any data disclosed via the internet. However, we have taken all reasonable steps to protect your personal information.
Flixmedia partners with your chosen retailer in order to provide you with official manufacturer’s information about the product you are considering and is not an advertising service. Flixmedia processes your IP address solely to permit the delivery of the manufacturer’s video, image or text information but does not store your IP address as part of this service to your retailer and does not provide your IP address to third parties other than technology partners who support information display. Flixmedia does not process or store any other piece of personal information about you nor obtain any other of your personal data from third parties. If you have questions about Flixmedia’s processing of your IP address, please contact